Primary Homework Policy


At Silverline, we believe that first and foremost, homework needs to be purposeful. We aim to provide opportunities for students to consolidate learning to embed skills or knowledge as an extension of classroom learning.

Homework Tasks

Homework tasks are given on a Thursday and must be returned by the following Wednesday. This allows students and families a certain amount of flexibility to fit homework around other activities. We encourage students to take responsibility for managing their time and, with support, establishing their own homework routines. We encourage students, in all areas of their learning, to understand the importance of quality over quantity.

Bespoke homework tasks are designed by the teacher to maximize the impact on learning. This may be an opportunity to:

  • practise or consolidate skills learned in class
  • apply skills that have been taught
  • carry out own research before or during a topic in order to develop knowledge and practise research skills
Homework tasks can also have a creative element to them and these are usually open ended rather than worksheet based. Pupils will be guided by their teacher on how to approach the task and ideas will be shared about how learning could be presented and shared in the Homework book.

Role of Parents

Parents are advised to guide students with their homework should they need it, however they should encourage the child to work independently to complete the tasks set. If parents have concerns, this should be raised with the class teacher. As part of our ‘Growth Mindset’ approach to children’s development, we encourage students to be resilient learners and understand the importance of learning from mistakes.

Special considerations

As Silverline is an inclusive school, homework tasks are differentiated to meet the needs of individual students. Tasks are set using the child’s ‘Target Your Maths’ book, which often provides an option with greater challenge and an option for those students who may need a little more support with the core teaching. Teachers may also decide, at their own discretion, that the mainstream tasks set are not suitable for individual students, and they may need something more personalized. In these instances, the teacher will meet with the parents and discuss the homework approach best suited to the student.

SubjectFrequencyExpectationWhere to complete
Thursday: tasks set
Wednesday: tasks to have been completed and returned.
One or two tasks will be set from ‘Target Your Maths’ and pages, to be completed in their Maths Homework book. Use ‘Target Your Maths’ Textbook and complete the answers in maths homework exercise book in KS2.

Students in KS1 may write directly into the textbook.
Maths – Times Tables Practice Daily practice
English (writing, grammar or reading comprehension)Weekly
Thursday: tasks set
Wednesday: tasks to have been completed and returned.
The tasks set may be to complete pages from CPG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar book alongside applying the focused skills in a more creative task linked to classroom topic.

The CPG book will be used regularly for homework but not necessarily every week.
Write directly into the CPG Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar book (only pages that have been set).
Any other activity should be completed in their Homework exercise book.
Topic (Science, History, Geography and Art)Weekly
Thursday: tasks set
Wednesday: tasks to have been completed and returned.
Subjects are taught in unit blocks, usually one every half term. Topic task set will be linked to a specific subject for a number of weeks and reflect the learning that has taken place or will take place within the classroom.
Additional resources may be given to the students to help them complete the task or it may be more open ended.
Homework exercise book.
Some projects may be 3D models, PowerPoint presentations, a board game or a large poster therefore recording in the exercise book may not be needed.
SpellingDaily practice A spelling list will be provided for a particular spelling rule which will also be taught in class. They will be expected to practice regularly.
The Look, Cover, Check method is one way to practise.
Homework exercise book.