Secondary School Curriculum

Our curriculum enables students to:

  • Form a positive concept of themselves and an independent attitude through the development to their full potential in as many areas as possible.
  • Develop lively inquiring minds, including the ability to question and argue rationally and to apply themselves to tasks with confidence.
  • Acquire the knowledge and skills relevant to adult life and employment in a rapidly changing world.
  • Develop a range of skills necessary to work in successful collaboration with others and independently in the community.
  • Communicate effectively through language, numbers and creative arts.
  • Respect religious and moral values and tolerance of other races, religions and ways of life.
  • Understand the changing world in which they live and the interdependence of individuals, groups and nations.
  • Appreciate human achievements and aspirations.
  • Acquire a positive attitude to health and lifestyle.
  • Develop a sensitive understanding of environmental issues and to demonstrate a responsibility towards others and the environment.
  • Accept responsibility for their own behaviour and influence on others.
11-12Key Stage 37
12-13Key Stage 38
13-14Key Stage 39GCSE/IGCSE in Greek
14-15Key Stage 410GCSE/IGCSE
15-16Key Stage 412GCSE/IGCSE
16-17Key Stage 512AS-Level
17-18Key Stage 513A-Level


This stage comprises of the first three years of secondary schooling normally known as Year 7, Year 8 and Year 9, when pupils are aged between 11 and 14. During this stage the core curriculum is compulsory for all students and includes the following subjects: Art, Drama, English Language, French, Geography, Greek, History, Information Communication Technology, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Science, Personal, Social and Health Education.

In Year 9, when students choose their subject options for the following year, every effort is made to offer as broad a range of subjects as possible from the Key Stage 3 and Key Stage 4 curriculum, and students are guided to make informed and balanced choices.


These two years (Year 10, Year 11) offer a programme of courses that prepare students for the International GCSE and GCSE examinations. Every student must take English Language and Mathematics. A further five optional subjects are chosen from a broad list which may include: Art, Astronomy, Biology, Business studies, Chemistry, Drama, Economics, English Literature, French, ICT, Geography, Greek/Second Lang. Greek, History, Music, Physical Education, Psychology, Physics, Media studies and Computing.



At this stage (Year 12, Year 13) each student constructs an individual programme track of AS/A2 level courses which ultimately lead to General Certificate of Education Advanced Level Qualifications (known as GCE A-level) and Apolytirion subjects from a very wide range of options.

Students study four AS subjects in Year 12 and generally carry on with four of them at A2 level in Year 13. Successful completion of this programme track leads to four A-level qualifications and the School Leaving Certificate- Apolytirion.

The school operates a very flexible options system and makes a considerable effort to accommodate the combinations of subjects chosen by students.

English, PSHE, and Physical Education are compulsory subjects.

Optional subjects may include:

A-Level subjects: Art, Biology, Business Studies, Chemistry, Economics, English Literature, Drama, Food & Nutrition, French, History, Information Communication Technology, Mathematics, Music, Physical Education, Physics, Psychology, Media Studies.